Thursday, January 26, 2012

Calzone...take two...

Yeah, I've made my chicken with cream cheese and feta calzone in the past but I made it different today and I liked it so much that I felt it was necessary to share with you again.

Normally, I boil then chop the chicken but tonight I felt like trying it differently. Plus every time I make it, I have so much left over we end up tossing it out. So in an effort to have the same dish, limited waste and to try it just a bit different - and easier, I cut the chicken up, then sauteed it in the frying pan with garlic and onion (easy way, I used dried chopped both) then added some salt and pepper. From there, I thought hmmm.... I need to get this cold cream cheese mixed well with the chicken so I chunked up the cream cheese, added it to the pan, then poured in about 1/4 cup of skim milk. From there, I turned the heat off and added the feta - I'd say 1/2-1 cup...what ever fell out of the container, really.

I have a pizza stone I never use, I thought I'd give it a try so I heated the oven to 400 degrees while I cooked the filling. Then I unrolled a thin crust pizza dough over the pizza stone - imagine, rectangle block in a round hole (square peg/round hole), poured the mix into the middle then wrapped the dough around it. To top it off, I melted some butter, brushed it on the crust and then sprinkled it with Parmesean cheese. 15 minutes later - dinner was ready! I like to finish it off with pasta sauce though I don't really know if it's needed...that's up to personal preference. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Enjoy - Be well!

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