Monday, February 27, 2012


Lately, there seem to be a lot of studies about how much sleep a person needs to be healthy, aid in weight loss or what ever. I don't seem to fall into any where near enough sleep to be rested, healthy or my weight loss. I work at 5 AM, my alarm goes off at 3:25 and I hit snooze a few times then I get up a little before 4. Here's the kicker, to make sure I get eight hours of sleep I would need to go to bed at....7:30. As if that could EVER happen!

Like most women, when I say I'm going to bed it will still take some time to get into bed - I have a lot to do first. I have to get my clothes ready for the next day (so not to wake up the Hubs or baby), then I get my food ready (if I haven't already), get the things together for my shower, get changed, then go to bed where I will spend several seconds - if not a full minute - putting on my Burt's chap stick. Let me side bar for just a second - Burt's holy Burt's! I'm so addicted to putting on chap stick at night that I cannot sleep until I have a good coating on - but it's not just putting on a good coating, I look like a crazy lady just lying in bed rubbing the golden yellow tube of minty bees wax chap stick on my mouth in slow motion for 20-30 - up to 60 seconds. You know how to you see the crazy lady smearing their lipstick all over their mouth, missing her lips and getting her face but she thinks she looks good - yeah, that's me with my Burt's!

Anyway... back to a 7:30 bed time.... L goes to bed at 8, the baby goes to be around 7:30. If I want to have a conversation with the Hubs, wait for it - WITH OUT INTERRUPTION - I have to wait until after 8. So, lets say I go at 8:30, well, that would be do-able, but then I'm too tired to get off the couch to go to bed. Besides, I might as well wait up to watch the weather, right? Ha! At this point, I'm also too engrossed in whatever we're watching on TV...

I guess I have no other choice but to live with too little sleep and live with the consequences of lack of sleep... I'd rather be tired then miss my family! Who cares if I look crazy - the hubs loves me anyway! ;-) LOL!

Be well!

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